Our HQ in Houston has now been in its new office space for almost a month. It has taken a while to become fully functional by having phone lines, Internet access and desks, but we all know that moving rates highly on the list of things most difficult and stressful. Having said that, this really has not been overly stressful. The move has been more of a blessing and a show of God's faithfulness in wanting to provide.
Here is an example of that. I had found a wonderful leather office chair on Craig's List for a great

price. The lady, Amanda, who was selling the chair was moving house and had the moving truck there when I arrived. We chatted and it transpired that Amanda has friends who have adopted and was very supportive of Act of Life's mission. Among other items that Amanda was also trying to sell to avoid loading on the truck was this lovely bistro set as seen in the picture. After I had expressed interest as it appeared perfect for the new kitchen, Amanda decided to donate it to the ministry! Thank you, Amanda! We love it and have eaten a few muffaletta sandwiches at that table already. (We have a great Italian deli just across the road and we're working our way through the menu - we have to try it all out!)

This is what will be the conference area. The credenza is part of a set that my father-in-law donated to the ministry. It really is beautiful. I have an odd shaped office that would not accommodate the credenza, so we will find another spot for it.

On the right is Merinell, our bookkeeper's office. As you can see, the desk is purely functional, but again, we are blessed to have another desk and credenza coming from a couple who have helped Act of Life in the past with volunteer work.
Below is Laurie's office. Laurie is our admin assistant. Again, the desk leaves a little to be desired, and we have not yet located a desk for this office, but we just know that the Lord already has a plan for this!

Laurie has been working hard at sorting out the many boxes that have been in storage and making this reception area her own. We can't wait to see it all finished!
Finally, below is my office. As you can see, there is not a shortage of shelving! The desk has some paint residue on the edge and I hear that a goofy named product called 'Goof Off' will do the trick without damaging the finish.

You've heard the saying 'little things please little minds'? Well, the fact that we are at ground level, I can park right outside my office and can see my car (or motorbike) through the window just pleases me no end! That's our God. With such little details as that, I find myself praising Him and thanking Him for those things.
There are still some needs e.g. a microwave, decor and some bigger ticket items such as an all-in-one printer and a new computer for Laurie, amongst other things, but we are humbly awaiting the Lord's timing for these things and are not fretting, for we already have more than we could have hoped for.

Oops, I almost forgot. We have a room that will be used for watching training videos and child-care. See that sad little cable coming out of the wall? That is the free basic cable TV feed that came with our phone and Internet package. The cable just needs a TV to plug itself into, to go along with the DVD player that we already have, and we'll be in business!
What you don't see in this picture is the other half of the room that is being used for storage. A curtain can hide a multitude of sins - or brown boxes.
We are excited about the days ahead and pray that the Lord will continue to bless Act of Life, it's new offices in Houston and Midland, and our staff, volunteers and board members as we work towards achieving our mission of advancing adoption awareness.