Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Record Attendance at Training!

September 11th we had the privilege of offering our training to new people in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Working with the generous people at the Gladney Center for Adoption in Fort Worth we reached a record number of people at one time.

Here are just a few things that made our adoption training special:
  • We encouraged and equipped 42 people in a single session!
  • We reached representatives from 4 pregnancy care centers
  • We touched representatives from 3 different adoption agencies

Group introductions in Mabee Hall at the Gladney Center for Adoption

The day was full of life, laughter and learning. You can imagine the great interaction with all of the participants. The practice counseling was truly fantastic with novices attempting adoption conversations for the first time and long-time pros illustrating their strengths to the group.

Here is a sample of comments from the evaluations taken at the conclusion of the day:
  • "(The training was) informative and held my interest. The time went very quickly and nothing dragged"
  • "I enjoyed the whole day. Very well planned and organized"
  • "Very concise and full of helpful info right at your fingertips"
  • "The speaker was dynamic - kept my attention and very informative"
  • "(What I liked most about the training was) making the connection between spiritual and physical adoption"
  • "(What I liked most about the training was the) interaction with other advocates and agencies"

A special thank you goes out to Jennifer Lanter and her team from the Gladney Center who truly went the extra mile to provide not only a lovely facility but delicious food as well. What a marvelous picture of the Body of Christ working together to advance adoption!

We are pleased to announce we will be returning to Gladney to host another adoption training Thursday, October 30. For more details and to register please visit our website .

Thursday, September 18, 2008

What's Up Radio

The first week of September I was a guest on the "What's Up Radio Program" with Terry Lowry. To listen to Terry tune in weekday afternoons on KKHT, 100.7 FM, Houston 2:00 – 3:30 PM (CST). Terry is "informing, encouraging, uplifting...introducing and covering cutting edge topics affecting you, your family, the church, and our great land - America!"

Click here to listen to the interview when we discuss the "Choose Life" license plate effort being supported by Texas Alliance for Life.

Please be aware that many of the Texas Tour events in the Gulf area have been altered, rescheduled or cancelled due to Hurricane Ike. For updated information please visit Texas Choose Life website.

Because life matters,

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Choose Life License Plate

(note: this is a republish of a previously written article)

Are you looking for a way to make a positive impact in the raging war between 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice' camps?

Please take time to read the following exciting news from Texas Alliance for Life.

"Choose Life Texas Tour Begins on Sept. 13 to promote pro-adoption Choose Life license plate For eight days starting Saturday, September 13, the Choose Life Texas Tour will crisscross the state, visiting 11 cities with over 16 meetings and events to promote the pro-adoption Choose Life license plate for our state. Texas Alliance for Life is launching the Choose Life Texas Tour with numerous other pro-life organizations to make a Choose Life license plate a reality in Texas.

Check out the website at, and click on "Choose Life Texas Tour."

The Choose Life license plate is on the road in 19 other states and has raised more than $9 million for pregnancy help centers and Gabriel Projects to assist women with crisis pregnancies who are considering the loving option of adoption. Although Texas has over 130 specialty license plates, our state does not yet have the Choose Life plate.

Why not Texas? The Texas Legislature must pass a law to create the Choose Life license plate when it meets in January. The Choose Life license plate in Texas will promote adoption and other compassionate alternatives to abortion and raise funds to assist women experiencing a crisis pregnancy considering adoption. Of the $30 fee for the plate, $22 will go to this mission and $8 will cover Texas Department of Transportation's production costs.

"This is about the loving option of adoption," said Pojman. "Our goal is to create more win-win-win situations in Texas for birth moms, children, and adoptive parents."

Act of Life joins Joe Pojman and the others at Texas Alliance for Life in this valiant effort. Please visit their website and check the itinerary for an event in your area. Make plans to attend to see that this important bill gets passed in the next session of our Texas Legislature.

People long for ways to make an impact in a positive manner. Choose Life plates are an easy, non-combative way to do just that. Together let's make an impact. Support 'Choose Life' today!

Chosen and blessed,
Julie Stobbe