Sunday, October 17, 2010

Act of Life in Florida...AGAIN

Celebrate with us! A recent trip to Florida marked the third time we have taken our training there in two years!

May 2009 – Tampa
September 2009 - Orlando
October 2010 – Leesburg

God is opening doors and fostering relationships with many people in the Sunshine State.

October 7-9 I went to speak at the "Sound the Call" Conference for the Florida Baptist Children's Homes. The conference, with the theme of "For His Glory", was held at the lovely Lake Yale Conference Center in Leesburg. The plenary and breakout sessions provided training, worship and encouragement for the more than 230 pregnancy center staff and volunteers in attendance from across the state. What an honor to join people like Pastor Andy Merritt, Sol Pitchon, Mary Lou Hendry and others who have been serving pregnancy centers for decades.

One of our goals is to return to Florida with our full day training in 2011. Several pregnancy centers and adoption agencies are working together to host a joint event. Please pray for this effort as plans move forward. If you would like to know more about how you can help us reach this goal please contact our office at 713.991.LIFE (5433).

Upon our return, we trained an additional 11 pregnancy counselors for the Pregnancy Assistance Center North (PACN) in The Woodlands, Texas, on Friday October 15. We thoroughly enjoy interacting with these ministries as they provide essential education and assistance to people experiencing unplanned pregnancies. PACN is a prime example of ministry excellence, and we are grateful to have a wonderful working relationship with them.

It is exciting to see the Lord expand our territory and continue to offer opportunity to educate, encourage and equip people with tools to present adoption in the counseling room. You are helping us make an impact! Thank you for your support.

Don't forget our Celebration of Life event is approaching quickly... November 11, to be exact. Be sure to check our website for details about how you can join us as we hear a special message from Ryan Dobson, son of Focus on the Family Founder, James Dobson. We will be sharing all sorts of ways God is using Act of Life to build the Body of Christ as we serve others in His love.

Blessed to be a part,

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Minnie Pause and the Hot Flashes

"Fun"draiser Concert for Act of Life

Please forward this post to friends, bible studies, Sunday School Classes and anyone else you can think of to get the word out about this hilarious event. Now, for you young gals it might APPEAR that this is for us old gals but why not come and have some fun laughing with us and support a great ministry… Here are some comments from previous concert attendees:

“MP3 is an outstanding group blending harmony, fun, and a Christian theme into an enjoyable event. The audience will laugh, cry, and be inspired by the melodies of these fine and funny women.”

“I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. It was awesome. They
are simply hilarious and it was so refreshing and such a joy to be there

Call 713-991-5433 or 713-304-9021 for tickets.
$10 tickets

You won't want to miss out on this fun affordable evening of laughter! See you there...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Talking with CareNet NW Houston

Wow! Last night I had a great time with an incredibly interactive group of men and women from a pregnancy resource center in NW Houston. We explored adoption for 2 hours and tackled some of the basics of how to present adoption as a parenting choice to people experiencing unplanned pregnancies.

The training was hosted by CareNet NW in their brand new facility off Wunderlich Drive in NW Houston. A special thanks goes to Nanette George who organized the event as well as to Jan Hester who is serving as Act of Life's Interim Executive Director (both pictured above). It was a lively event that not only provided great fellowship but resulted in more counselors becoming educated and equipped to share the good news of adoption.

Last night was slightly different than some of the events I speak at. I had the great pleasure of having my daughter attend with me. She was a terrific help to Jan and me as she handed out resources and even took the photo in this blog. We are training the next generation of volunteers already! Don't count out kids just because they are young. They have a contribution to make in ministry.

In fact, just having her in attendance last night served as a living reminder of how adoption affects generations! Were it not for the life-giving choice of adoption that made my life possible my daughter would not be alive. What a thought!

The next time you are privileged to walk alongside someone through the adoption process or even just follow at a distance remember this: the women and men who courageously choose adoption for their children are heroes. They are people who establish strong families that provide opportunity to allow their children to become all God intended for them to be. They also lay the foundation for future generations who will follow.

What a legacy adoption provides!

Lord, bless birth mothers and birth fathers who are considering adoption for their children. Lead them into truth and strengthen them in their quest to discover your will for their lives and the lives of their pre-born children. May they choose life!

Bless also, the adoptive parents who are charged with rearing children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Equip them to raise the next generation who will be living examples demonstrating that choosing life always yields blessings. In Your name we pray, Amen.

For Life,

Thursday, May 13, 2010

From a Teen Birthmother

"Adoption?! I could never give my baby away!"
"I can't choose adoption because I'll never see my baby again."

These are two common statements pregnancy counselors sometimes hear from their clients when they present adoption as a parenting choice. They are only two examples and reasons why we established Act of Life and our educational programs. Rather than provide commentary on these statements from our perspective, we think it better for you to read someone's personal story; someone who has walked the road of adoption.

Please read the following passage from a teenage birthmother whom we have had the privilege of supporting these past few months.

When I got pregnant at the age of 15, abortion was pretty much out of the question. My parents always told me that they would always love me but they were not going to raise my baby for me, so I had to think of my options, it was either parenting my baby or placing my baby for adoption.

If I chose to parent, I had to think about these things: how would I get him to doctor’s appointments? Who would watch him during the day and during the night while I went to school and work? How much money would I be spending a month between diapers, formula, and a babysitter or daycare?

I realized that I would barely even see my son at all if I chose to raise him, my schedule was going to school at 7:00, getting out at 3:00 and then going from school to work and not getting home until at least 9:00. So I looked into adoption. The deeper I dug the more I learned that adoption is not like what it is put off to be, you do get to see your child, you do get to pick the family your that adopts your baby, and you constantly get updates on how he/she is doing. I knew I wanted my son to get everything he could ever dream of and more. I wanted him to have a mommy who could stay home with him during the day and a daddy who would always love him, support him, and be there for him.

Those were things I could not provide for him. So after looking through many profiles of families looking to adopt I found “them”, the perfect family with two little girls who were just waiting for a baby brother. They were soon contacted and told I had chosen them to adopt my son and were filled with joy. I met them twice before he was born and felt like I had known them forever.

My beautiful baby boy was born April of 2010. I made the difficult but right decision to place him into the arms of his forever family when he was two days old. I knew I could always love him, if a baby didn’t need anything to survive but love, I would have been the best mommy in the world, but that wasn’t reality, reality was I could not raise my baby on my own, and because of the extreme amount of love I had for my baby boy, I gave him a chance in life, a chance to have everything he could ever dream of and more.

Do you hear the profound love echoed in this mother's words?

What maturity and selflessness she exhibits! We applaud her for the love she has for her son and for the determination she has shown in creating a secure plan for him. We are confident the Lord will bless her for her decision to choose life and to provide a stable loving home for her baby. Difficult days still lie ahead for her, but her days will also be full of pictures of her little boy and calls, letters and visits with him to confirm her choice for life was and remains good.

We also want to thank you, the supporters and friends of Act of Life. You have a role in this mother's story as well. When you support us through your prayers and financial gifts, you make our outreach to young birthmothers possible.

How many more men and women would you like to help us reach?

Give us a call at 713.991.5433. We look forward to talking with you.

Julie Stobbe

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Upcoming Adoption Training

Here is a friendly reminder to those of you interested in our upcoming adoption training opportunities.

April 17 - The Woodlands (Crossroads Baptist Church)
April 24 - Southeast Houston (Sagemont Church)

Registration is 8:30 a.m with the program beginning promptly at 9.

For more information on our dynamic program please visit our website and click the training page. These trainings are fully underwritten so there are no fees to attend. You can't beat FREE!

We are sure to have a terrific time together. Make plans to join us!
Team Act of Life

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Do You Know Your Neighbors?

Isn't it refreshing to pick up the paper and read a good story now and then?

Too often our airwaves, blogs and newsprint are riddled with depressing stories of devastation and destruction. And, all too often, adoption seems to get negative press. We hear most frequently of the stories with ugly endings which only fuel the fire of those who do not understand the beauty of adoption. Then, like a ray of sunshine piercing the darkenss, we read a story of hope.

For a jolt of joy I encourage you to read Canada's The Globe and Mail's adoption reunion story of two biological brothers. You will never guess where they found each other!

Reader discretion advised:
sudden smiles are likely to erupt!


Monday, February 8, 2010

From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours

Act of Life has the joy and privilege of helping people understand adoption. Most of the time we accomplish our mission through our educational programs geared toward groups. Every now and then, we have the opportunity to work one-on-one with courageous young women and men who are interested in creating a home for their child through adoption.

We are currently walking alongside a teen birthmother and her family. This young lady has decided on adoption from the beginning and has begun laying strong plans for her future and that of her baby. Recently I received this precious poem from the birth mother's mother, and I want to share it with you. It truly captures the loving heart of birthparents who choose adoption for their children.

From God's Arms, To My Arms, To Yours

So many wrong decisions in my past,
I'm not quite sure If I can ever hope to trust my judgement anymore.
But lately I've been thinking,
Cause it's all I've had to do.
And in my heart I feel that I
Should give this child to you.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

If you choose to tell him, If he wants to know,
How the one who gave him life
Could bear to let him go.
Just tell him there were sleepless nights,
I prayed and paced the floors,
And knew the only peace I'd find
Was if this child was yours.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

This may not be the answer,
For another girl like me.
But I'm not on a soapbox,
Saying how we all should be.
I'm just trusting in my feelings,
And I'm trusting God above,
And I'm trusting you can give this baby
Both his mothers' love.

And maybe, you could tell your baby,
When you love him so, that he's been loved before,
By someone, who delivered your son,
From God's arms, to my arms, to yours.

~Michael McLean~

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Texas Life Connections - HOUSTON

Are you in need of encouragement?
Would you like to receive training to sharpen your skills in ministry?

When: February 6, 2010 from 9 am - 4:15 pm.
Where: Houston's First Baptist Church
Fee: $25 includes lunch. What a deal!

With this event, Texas Life Connections seeks to provide sound training and spiritual encouragement for people serving in life ministries. While opportunities exist for national annual conferences many are unable to attend. TLC is bringing a compact conference experience to you. Plus, the fee is so reasonable you cannot afford to miss it!

3 General Sessions will be offered by speakers:
Dr. Julie Parton (Texas Life Connections),
Destiny Cortez (WPC Houston)
Julie Stobbe (Act of Life)

Relevant breakout sessions will focus on evangelism training, praying with power, post-abortive clients, healthy sexuality, and understanding the relationship between sexual abuse and abortion.

As one who participated in the TLC event in Dallas last summer, I can tell you I was encouraged, sharpened and challenged in my walk with Christ and in my role in ministry.

Let's bear in mind we have unique circumstances in Houston surrounding the opening of North America's largest abortion facility here later this year. This should motivate us into action. Take advantage of this opportunity to get equipped. You will reach more women through the love of Christ with critical tools to assist and support them with their decisions.

Click here to register. You will not want to miss this unique gathering with your fellow co-laborers. Do not delay ~ Make plans today!

See you there,

Friday, January 22, 2010

Adoption Training @ The Source for Women Houston

“I cannot begin to thank you enough for bringing this amazing and truly enlightening training into our center today. What a blessing this has been. It has truly given our staff and volunteers further knowledge on such an important piece of the puzzle and equipped us to present adoption as an option to our clients in need. Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are appreciated more than you will ever know.” – training participant

What a resounding endorsement for the full-day adoption training Act of Life provides. We thank the Lord for another opportunity to present the Biblical perspective of adoption to a group of enthusiastic men and women yesterday.
The seminar was held at The Source for Women near the Galleria, and The Gladney Center for adoption sponsored the event so there was no charge for the attendees! We extend warm thanks to both of these amazing organizations!
And hats off to Chris Wenz who stayed up late on the eve of the training to hang a screen for the PowerPoint presentation. You went above and beyond, Chris! Thank you!

How do YOU feel about adoption? Are you confident and knowledgeable to share the good news of adoption with people in your life? While this particular training is geared primarily toward pregnancy counselors we frequently have others join our seminars and remark how it has equipped them to speak about adoption outside a traditional counseling room. Equally satisfying is when some call back with stories of how the Lord used them to minister to someone in their personal lives.

Who can benefit from Act of Life's training?

* pastors, youth pastors, and staff of churches

* pregnancy counselors

* teachers
* board directors of life ministries

* maternity home staff and houseparents


Call 713.991.LIFE (5433) to speak with someone about how to host a training in your area, or check our website for upcoming training opportunities. We have additional programs we are sure you will want to learn about as well. Whichever outreach you attend one thing is certain: you will emerge educated, encouraged and equipped!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Off to a Running Start

Happy New Year!

Act of Life is off to a strong start already. We have already touched 39 people with adoption information! We've educated clients who have called in or submitted email enquiries, educated residents of Houston's LifeHouse maternity home and trained counselors in 8 Dallas/Fort Worth pregnancy centers. All of this activity has been accomplished in the first 11 days of 2010! Praise the Lord!!

Along the lines of training, we want you to be aware of an upcoming training that will be held next Thursday, Jan. 21 at Source for Women here in Houston. It will run 11 - 5 and will include lunch. This particular seminar is fully underwritten by Gladney Center for Adoption, so there is no cost to attend. You won’t want to miss this opportunity ~ Details are as follows:

When: Thursday, January 21st, 2010
Registration and Lunch: 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Training: 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Where: The Source for Women 6009 Richmond Ave. Suite 130 Houston, 77057
In the Galleria area

CEUs will be available upon request. This is the perfect opportunity to train your staff and volunteers on how to best present the adoption option with knowledge and confidence!

RSVP by January 18 to Amber Stoffer Thomas at 713-780-0030 or so we can prepare for this wonderful day of fun, fellowship and learning.

Hope to see you on January 21!