These are two common statements pregnancy counselors sometimes hear from their clients when they present adoption as a parenting choice. They are only two examples and reasons why we established Act of Life and our educational programs. Rather than provide commentary on these statements from our perspective, we think it better for you to read someone's personal story; someone who has walked the road of adoption.
Please read the following passage from a teenage birthmother whom we have had the privilege of supporting these past few months.
When I got pregnant at the age of 15, abortion was pretty much out of the question. My parents always told me that they would always love me but they were not going to raise my baby for me, so I had to think of my options, it was either parenting my baby or placing my baby for adoption.
If I chose to parent, I had to think about these things: how would I get him to doctor’s appointments? Who would watch him during the day and during the night while I went to school and work? How much money would I be spending a month between diapers, formula, and a babysitter or daycare?
I realized that I would barely even see my son at all if I chose to raise him, my schedule was going to school at 7:00, getting out at 3:00 and then going from school to work and not getting home until at least 9:00. So I looked into adoption. The deeper I dug the more I learned that adoption is not like what it is put off to be, you do get to see your child, you do get to pick the family your that adopts your baby, and you constantly get updates on how he/she is doing. I knew I wanted my son to get everything he could ever dream of and more. I wanted him to have a mommy who could stay home with him during the day and a daddy who would always love him, support him, and be there for him.
Those were things I could not provide for him. So after looking through many profiles of families looking to adopt I found “them”, the perfect family with two little girls who were just waiting for a baby brother. They were soon contacted and told I had chosen them to adopt my son and were filled with joy. I met them twice before he was born and felt like I had known them forever.
My beautiful baby boy was born April of 2010. I made the difficult but right decision to place him into the arms of his forever family when he was two days old. I knew I could always love him, if a baby didn’t need anything to survive but love, I would have been the best mommy in the world, but that wasn’t reality, reality was I could not raise my baby on my own, and because of the extreme amount of love I had for my baby boy, I gave him a chance in life, a chance to have everything he could ever dream of and more.
What maturity and selflessness she exhibits! We applaud her for the love she has for her son and for the determination she has shown in creating a secure plan for him. We are confident the Lord will bless her for her decision to choose life and to provide a stable loving home for her baby. Difficult days still lie ahead for her, but her days will also be full of pictures of her little boy and calls, letters and visits with him to confirm her choice for life was and remains good.
We also want to thank you, the supporters and friends of Act of Life. You have a role in this mother's story as well. When you support us through your prayers and financial gifts, you make our outreach to young birthmothers possible.
Give us a call at 713.991.5433. We look forward to talking with you.
Julie Stobbe
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