Thursday, July 23, 2009

Texas Life Connection Conference

Encouraging, enlightening, and inspiring are all words I would use to describe the recent Life Saving 201 Conference hosted by Texas Life Connections (TLC). On July 18, over 170 staff and volunteers of many pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex descended upon the west campus of First Baptist Church in Euless, TX. Participants gathered to learn how to be more effective in reaching today's women who walk through their doors.

People heard general sessions from Dr. Julie Parton (TLC), Mary Margaret Gibson, (Save the Mother, Save Her Child), and Marilyn Morris (Aim for Success). As a part of Act of Life I was blessed to present a breakout session called "Getting Beyond: I can't Give My Baby Away!" I'm happy to report the session was very well attended and guess what? We ran out of all of our resources! There is certainly a need to continue reaching out to pregnancy resource counselors equipping them with all they need to effectively present adoption. We were able to connect, pray with and refer people at the conference to resources which will help them continue their adoption journeys. We have our work cut out for us, but we are up for the task!

Thank you to our donors and prayer partners who make our work possible. You are making a tremendous impact!

We are pleased to continue our collaborative relationship with Texas Life Connections. When we work together as the Body of Christ, not only do we serve more ministries and reach more people, I think more importantly, we glorify our Father in heaven.

Act of Life desires to remain true to our vision of advancing adoption awareness, and we are excited about the many doors God opens for us to realize this vision. Psalm 82:3-4 in the Bible says, "Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked." Those who comprise Texas Life Connections (PRCs, maternity homes, life-affirming organizations along with Act of Life) are all certainly on the front lines playing their roles in fulfilling this verse. What a joy to be a part of this work!

Special thanks to Linda Bussey (pictured) and her husband Len, for their graciousness, generosity, and taxi service. They are servants who extended their gift of hospitality to me during my stay in Dallas. In today's economy their support helps us be the best stewards we can be with the financial treasures people entrust to our care.

What do you suppose the Lord has in store next?

Enjoying the journey,
Julie Stobbe