"I was so very impressed with the amazing event Friday. It was my favorite so far..."
"What an awesome program!"
"What a wonderful celebration of life we were blessed to be a part of this evening!"
"Great dinner, great speaker!"
"Dr. Land was tremendous!"
These are just a few of the comments we have received through email, voice mail and Facebook since the Celebration of Life was held Friday, November 20. People battled the rain and the snarl of traffic to make it to the Houston Hilton Hobby Airport to take part in a fantastic evening.
The auction captured many people's attention with items from James Avery, premier golf courses in Houston and The Woodlands, along with pristine prints from beloved Christian artist, Larry Dyke. Many people secured special stocking stuffers for sure!
We were then treated to a delicious dinner (yes, the hotel food was very good - no rubber chicken) and an action-packed program. We heard a message by letter from Texas Governor Rick Perry, Dr. Joe Pojman from Texas Alliance for Life spoke about our collaborative relationship with them, and Colyn Bezanilla shared a heart-felt testimony from her perspective as a birth mother. Next, Executive Director, Lynda LeCompte gave a report of how effective Act of Life has been during this past year and then cast the vision for where we are headed in the days ahead. This led us to Dr. John Morgan of Sagemont Church introducing our keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Land.
Dr. Land's address was a combination of humor and urgency. He related to the audience very well and his message was clear: adoption is a key component in the overall pro-life message. Adoption is a loving parenting option. Adoption is a win-win-win situation - the birth mother, the baby, and the adoptive family. Adoption is an antidote to abortion.
All who were in attendance raved! Many congregations from around the city were represented, but we must say a big thank you to Sagemont Church. Their continued support has been a stabilizing force for our advancement in ministry. Hearty thank you's must also be sent out to the Board of Directors and the Event Committee for their tireless efforts which made the evening such a tremendous success.
Act of Life is a team made up of committed individuals, churches, donors and businesses who make our ministry to birth mothers, adoptive parents, adoptees, schools, pregnancy centers, maternity homes, juvenile detention centers and society in general possible.
Be watching in the coming weeks for more information on our exciting new education initiatives. The Lord has big plans in store for Act of Life, and He will utilize many to accomplish His purposes.
Would you like to join in the action?
I love how Henry Blackaby talks about "finding out where God is working and joining Him in the work." I can assure you that Act of Life was birthed by God, is sustained by Him and is being propelled forward by His Spirit.
Don't miss out on your opportunity to join this exciting work of the Lord. Find out more by visiting our website. We would love to hear from you.
Blessings to you and yours during this season of giving thanks. We are thankful for each of you, for you make our ministry possible. Please take a moment to peek at the pictures and consider how you might be able to become an active partner.
Julie Stobbe
Enjoy our photo presentation of the evening's events...