"The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'” Matthew 25:40
One night last week I had the distinct privilege of speaking at an appreciation dinner for Buckner Children Family Services. Held at Midland’s distinguished Petroleum Club, the audience was treated to a delightful evening including a delicious meal, personal testimony from people who have benefited from and volunteer for Buckner’s ministry and a powerful duet sung by Dave Robbins and Kristie Garnett.
I could not help but moved as I listened to one of those who gave testimony; Lisa shared how her life has changed since last year’s dinner. She felt compelled to complete foster care certification and for the past five months has been caring for a precious infant boy, Miguel. She hopes to become his forever mother through the permanency of adoption. Miguel stole everyone’s heart with his big blue eyes and bright personality.
It was a pleasure to share parts of my personal adoption journey with the good folks of Buckner. Greater still, it was good to learn how they are being the hands and feet of Jesus to children and families across Texas and specifically in the Permian Basin. As it says on their website, “Buckner Children and Family Services is a Christian ministry devoted to protecting children, promoting independence and strengthening families.” Truly they are accomplishing the mandate from James 1:27 where it states, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
Buckner Hearthstone offers a variety of services including: foster care, foster to adopt, domestic and international adoption as well as CPS adoption. For a fascinating look at how Buckner began it’s ministry through the vision of Dr. Robert Cooke Buckner, a Baptist minister from Tennessee, and his first pledged dollar bill to establish its mission please click here. For those interested in pursuing Buckner's services check their 2008 calendar for more information and locations of scheduled workshops.
We should thank the Lord for Buckner because they are committed to ministering to the “least of these” in our society through the life-altering love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Through their tireless efforts and strong commitment they are seeing to it that people understand there are no strangers, no outcasts, and no orphans to the Lord.
Blessed to be a part,
Julie Stobbe
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