Monday, November 23, 2009

Celebration of Life 2009

"I was so very impressed with the amazing event Friday. It was my favorite so far..."

"What an awesome program!"


"What a wonderful celebration of life we were blessed to be a part of this evening!"

"Great dinner, great speaker!"

"Dr. Land was tremendous!"

These are just a few of the comments we have received through email, voice mail and Facebook since the Celebration of Life was held Friday, November 20. People battled the rain and the snarl of traffic to make it to the Houston Hilton Hobby Airport to take part in a fantastic evening.

The auction captured many people's attention with items from James Avery, premier golf courses in Houston and The Woodlands, along with pristine prints from beloved Christian artist, Larry Dyke. Many people secured special stocking stuffers for sure!

We were then treated to a delicious dinner (yes, the hotel food was very good - no rubber chicken) and an action-packed program. We heard a message by letter from
Texas Governor Rick Perry, Dr. Joe Pojman from Texas Alliance for Life spoke about our collaborative relationship with them, and Colyn Bezanilla shared a heart-felt testimony from her perspective as a birth mother. Next, Executive Director, Lynda LeCompte gave a report of how effective Act of Life has been during this past year and then cast the vision for where we are headed in the days ahead. This led us to Dr. John Morgan of Sagemont Church introducing our keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Land.

Dr. Land's address was a combination of humor and urgency. He related to the audience very well and his message was clear: adoption is a key component in the overall pro-life message. Adoption is a loving parenting option. Adoption is a win-win-win situation - the birth mother, the baby, and the adoptive family. Adoption is an antidote to abortion.

All who were in attendance raved! Many congregations from around the city were represented, but we must say a big thank you to Sagemont Church. Their continued support has been a stabilizing force for our advancement in ministry. Hearty thank you's must also be sent out to the Board of Directors and the Event Committee for their tireless efforts which made the evening such a tremendous success.

Act of Life is a team made up of committed individuals, churches, donors and businesses who make our ministry to birth mothers, adoptive parents, adoptees, schools, pregnancy centers, maternity homes, juvenile detention centers and society in general possible.

Be watching in the coming weeks for more information on our exciting new education initiatives. The Lord has big plans in store for Act of Life, and He will utilize many to accomplish His purposes.

Would you like to join in the action?

I love how Henry Blackaby talks about "finding out where God is working and joining Him in the work." I can assure you that Act of Life was birthed by God, is sustained by Him and is being propelled forward by His Spirit.

Don't miss out on your opportunity to join this exciting work of the Lord. Find out more by visiting our website. We would love to hear from you.

Blessings to you and yours during this season of giving thanks. We are thankful for each of you, for you make our ministry possible. Please take a moment to peek at the pictures and consider how you might be able to become an active partner.

Julie Stobbe

Enjoy our photo presentation of the evening's events...

Friday, October 9, 2009

Orphan Sunday - Nov. 8

The Spirit of God is awakening the Church to the cry of the orphan. So, who is the orphan? The word 'orphan' might conjure up for you an image of a child in a third world country. Perhaps some think of a child in the U.S. Foster Care system. Still others enlarge the definition to include the baby being knit together in the womb of a woman experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Whatever you envision an orphan to be the Scriptures are clear: "This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27 (NASB)

Act of Life wants you to be aware of a one-of-a-kind upcoming event in Houston. Come participate. Hear what God is doing in the United States and across the world. Worship, be inspired, and explore how the Lord might want to use you to care for the orphans in this world. We hope to see you there!

Working and serving together,

Legacy685 - Adoption & Orphan Care Ministry of Houston's First Baptist Church is hosting a special event on November 8 - Orphan Sunday from 4:00 to 6:00 pm in the chapel. Join voices with Steven Curtis Chapman, Jim Daly, and Dennis Rainey to reach the nation with God’s call to care for orphans. Through excellent music and the sharing of the heart of God, we hope to give a megaphone to the cries of the millions of orphans around the world. Other guests include Geoff Moore and the Children of the World Choir.

The concert will be broadcast LIVE via webcast and satellite. The broadcast will be a mixture of both musical performance and the sharing of the heart of God, and it will be appropriate for all audiences.

Where: Houston's First Baptist Church - 7401 Katy Freeway, at the corner of I-10 and 610 Loop West. Room: The Chapel - located near the worship center.

When: November 8, 2009 - Sunday Time: 4:00 pm - 6:20 pm

Refreshments and light snacks will be served.There will be a very brief time of testimony during the concert. For directions, questions or to RSVP contact Steve & Mary Klein at 281-246-9904 or email them at

Monday, October 5, 2009

Abortion & Adoption, In The Spiritual Realm

The Senior Pastor at my church, Sagemont Church in Houston, never fails to amaze me with his insight into the things of this world that have a direct correlation with things in the spiritual realm. Dr. John Morgan, or Brother John, as he is also known, this past Sunday morning shared with the congregation how he had come to a realization in the previous days about how abortion in the physical - the cutting short of a physical life - is the same as abortion in the spiritual. "How so?", you might ask. I will use my own words to describe my understanding of Brother John's thesis.

In the same way that a physical life can be sadly cut short in the womb through abortion, and oh how we mourn that loss, so too can a spiritual life be aborted. When we introduce people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are a conduit for the Holy Spirit to inject them with spiritual life support. Not that God needs us to do that, but it is perfectly clear in His word that we are to: "19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,even to the end of the age.” Amen." Matthew 28: 19-20.

When we see those who are spiritually lost, and we are not active in the Great Commission to bring others to Jesus Christ, do we mourn that loss in the same way we mourn for the aborted baby in the womb?

We could also use the same analogy for those who are new believers. As Christians, sometimes we do not have the patience and/or perseverance to continue on a path alongside baby Christians. Therefore, they may not grow spiritually, and may never develop into the mature Christian that he has the potential to be. That spiritual life has been stunted. We do know that all Christians, regardless of maturity, have a place in the Kingdom. It is a much debated topic - once saved always saved - but is quite elementary. Scripture says in John 3:16: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." My emphasis added. Whosoever, which is all Christians, not just those who read the bible every day, taught Sunday School, attended seminary and brought hundreds to salvation. Of course, there are our crowns at the Bema Seat of Christ, but that's another study all by itself.

So, what about adoption in the spiritual? Anyone who has attended an Act of Life Adoption Workshop or Primer will have heard myself or Julie talk about how adoption of a child into a new physical family is the same as when we are saved: we are adopted into God's forever family: "... He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ", Ephesians 1:5. Through physical and spiritual adoption alike, a person is given a new life.

Isn't that incredible that God gave us tangible analogies of life and death in the physical to help us understand life and death in the spiritual? He knows how our hearts break for every baby that is aborted, who could have potentially been adopted into the loving arms of a new family. As an adoption educator, I know how hard it is to help people understand that adoption into a physical family is a loving parenting choice that saves lives and creates families. Perhaps now we can understand how our heavenly Father's heart breaks for every spiritual life that is aborted, by not being adopted into His spiritual family.

Grateful for His continuous revelation,

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Texas Life Connection Conference

Encouraging, enlightening, and inspiring are all words I would use to describe the recent Life Saving 201 Conference hosted by Texas Life Connections (TLC). On July 18, over 170 staff and volunteers of many pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex descended upon the west campus of First Baptist Church in Euless, TX. Participants gathered to learn how to be more effective in reaching today's women who walk through their doors.

People heard general sessions from Dr. Julie Parton (TLC), Mary Margaret Gibson, (Save the Mother, Save Her Child), and Marilyn Morris (Aim for Success). As a part of Act of Life I was blessed to present a breakout session called "Getting Beyond: I can't Give My Baby Away!" I'm happy to report the session was very well attended and guess what? We ran out of all of our resources! There is certainly a need to continue reaching out to pregnancy resource counselors equipping them with all they need to effectively present adoption. We were able to connect, pray with and refer people at the conference to resources which will help them continue their adoption journeys. We have our work cut out for us, but we are up for the task!

Thank you to our donors and prayer partners who make our work possible. You are making a tremendous impact!

We are pleased to continue our collaborative relationship with Texas Life Connections. When we work together as the Body of Christ, not only do we serve more ministries and reach more people, I think more importantly, we glorify our Father in heaven.

Act of Life desires to remain true to our vision of advancing adoption awareness, and we are excited about the many doors God opens for us to realize this vision. Psalm 82:3-4 in the Bible says, "Vindicate the weak and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and destitute. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them out of the hand of the wicked." Those who comprise Texas Life Connections (PRCs, maternity homes, life-affirming organizations along with Act of Life) are all certainly on the front lines playing their roles in fulfilling this verse. What a joy to be a part of this work!

Special thanks to Linda Bussey (pictured) and her husband Len, for their graciousness, generosity, and taxi service. They are servants who extended their gift of hospitality to me during my stay in Dallas. In today's economy their support helps us be the best stewards we can be with the financial treasures people entrust to our care.

What do you suppose the Lord has in store next?

Enjoying the journey,
Julie Stobbe

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Father's Day Bike Run

More fun than you can shake a stick at. That's my summary, but for the rest of civilization, here is a more detailed account.

We congregated early at San Jacinto Harley-Davidson and enjoyed the roar of each bike as it pulled up near the registration tent. It didn't take long before there was a decent sized group of people as the 19 riders, many with passengers, gathered around the registration tent, ready for the ride briefing. Instructions were shared, and we learned that we had an EMT and a nurse in the group, which was a gift from God given that the heat index was going to creep up past 100 degrees. We prayed and thanked the Lord for the beautiful day and the breeze, and asked for safety as we rode. John Skipper, a Harley-Davidson representative who had helped with registration setup, assisted us out of the parking lot by stopping the traffic, and off we went... the long way round to San Jacinto Monument.

It was amazing how all of the traffic lights were in our favor, and cars would pause at stop signs allowing all bikes to go through. My husband, the pack leader, Bud, commented how it was Jesus that had led us through those lights and stop signs, and how he felt like Moses parting the Red Sea. If you've seen Bud's beard you'll be smiling too!

Once at the monument, everyone relaxed, refreshed, and took a trip to the top of the
monument. Then the second part of the ride took us via a scenic route to Sagemont Church where we ate lunch, listened to praise and worship by the Aric Harding Band, and held the door prize draw and raffle. Everyone received a door prize ticket, and we gave an extra ticket to dads in honor of Father's day. Four people were pleased to receive the $25 Harley-Davidson gift cards for door prizes, and Eric Wold was the proud winner of the Harley Davidson mirror raffle.

It was a strange feeling standing up there in sweaty bike clothes with a dusty face talking to an audience about the ministry of Act of Life, but nobody, including myself, cared about formalities. It was an informal gathering of good people, who were interested in hearing about how lives can be saved through advancing adoption awareness.

Everyone seemed to enjoy the ride - I know I did! As the pack sweeper staying at the back of the pack, I got to see the sea of bikes in front of me. I don't mind saying I had a big grin on my face for much of the ride. :)

Act of Life would like to thank...

... San Jacinto Harley-Davidson for their excellent support, including facilitation, and the donation of gear. A special mention goes to Carrie Graves of Stubbs Harley-Davidson for the great communication and assistance with getting this off the ground. Also to John Skipper who supported us on the day of the ride.

... Sagemont Church, who have continually supported Act of Life, and in this instance made a special exception in opening the Youth Building for our use on a day that it should have been closed.

... Aric Harding, Chris and Jeremey who volunteered their time to bring us praise and worship.

... Bud LeCompte, for planning and mapping out the excellent route, and leading the pack on the ride.

... Tom Ehman, for going the extra mile (or 20, at least!) to provide water and snacks for the pack at all stops and helping with registration.

... All of the riders and passengers who participated. Your participation brought financial support to the ministry of Act of Life, a vital element that allows us to continue to be effective.

I sign off, tired, still grubby, but with warm fuzzies about the excellent day that we had.

Praising God, looking forward to my bed,

Friday, June 12, 2009

A Life Saved, Making It All Worth While

Dear reader,

It is with great joy, and a refreshed spirit, that I would like to share this incredible story of a life saved.

One of my personal favorite outreach activities with Act of Life is being able to go and talk to young ladies at LifeHouse Maternity Home about adoption as one of their parenting choices. These precious girls are all experiencing an unplanned pregnancy and have chosen life for their babies. They may be choosing to parent, or they may choose to make an adoption plan; either way, they are in a safe, Christ centered home for the duration of their pregnancy, and have time to think about their parenting choice and the future for their baby.

Recently, a beautiful young lady shared with me how this was her second time in LifeHouse. With her first pregnancy, she had considered her options, and with the help of Act of Life's adoption resources - the green and yellow cards - she had decided to make an adoption plan for her baby.

When she told her parents about her decision they were not in agreement as they thought she should have an abortion, and that they would be taking her to the clinic. The parents did not believe what the young lady had to say about adoption - the truths that she had learned from the Act of Life resources. The parents continued to be adamant that abortion was the best solution.

It was only when the young lady gave the green and yellow cards to her parents to read for themselves, that they were able to absorb those adoption truths and have a change of heart. They finally agreed that they would support their daughter with her adoption plan!

Not only was I blessed to hear this incredible story of a life saved, but also delighted in pouring over photographs of this precious child, that were taken prior to him being placed in the arms of his new family.

Just as sometimes we wonder if we are being effective in our sharing the gospel with others, we also wonder if we are effective in our life-affirming missions. God knows exactly when we need encouragement, and is faithful to show us the fruits of our labor - just when we need to hear it!

Praising Him,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Texas Life Connections

Texas Life Connections is a dynamic coalition of life-affirming organizations from across our state. They are hosting a mini-conference at First Baptist Church Euless Saturday July 18 from 9-4. This is a link to their flyer and this is a link to their registration page.

Here is a wonderful low-cost opportunity (only $20!) for volunteers of pregnancy resource centers to gain excellent training as well as to receive refreshment for their spirits. New TLC Executive Director, Dr. Julie Parton, is organizing the event and has lined up some great topics for general sessions and breakouts. Act of Life will be presenting on adoption.

Perhaps you know of a pregnancy center in the Dallas/Fort Worth area that can make use of this information. Please forward this note on to your friends and colleagues so they will have the chance to go. It is sure to be a great event!

For Him,

Friday, May 15, 2009

More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time

... Also, fewer think abortion should be legal “under any circumstances”

This article is an amazing demonstration of the paradigm shift that is taking place in society regarding the sanctity of human life.  Could it be that the more a topic is discussed and debated, the more truths about the topic will surface, thereby allowing citizens to draw more informed conclusions?  I truly believe that is the case.  Many of us were disheartened at the dawning of the new U.S. administration, however, it is becoming crystal clear that, as always, the Lord's plan is perfect.  He knows what we as a society need to go through in order for the truth to prevail.

The encouraging news of more Americans being pro-life goes hand in hand with what Act of Life is witnessing on the ground.  As one of many pro-life ministries based in the greater Houston area, we are humbled and blessed to be part of a greater whole.  The Christian Agencies for Pregnancy and Adoption (CAPA) are working together to support life-affirming parenting choices.  It is amazing how life ministries are coming together to collaborate on outreach projects, touching more and more lives.  While strength in numbers is not necessarily a biblical concept (correct me if I'm wrong!), a wall of truth is a force to be reckoned with.

As more and more people accept the truth about God's heart for the sanctity of human life being from conception to natural death, we are also witnessing repentance and turning to Him for healing and forgiveness.  

Sagemont Church has just released the second part in a series for their Real Life TV program about the sanctity of human life.  Topics in this episode include abortion, adoption as a life saving parenting choice, and abortion recovery.  After the panel discussion is a closer look at Room 104; the abortion recovery class that is facilitated by Sagemont Church member, Khristey Walker, Executive Director of Pasadena Community Pregnancy Center, TX.  We are quick to tout God's heart for life, but must remember there are hurting hearts and souls of women who have had an abortion, who may feel there is no hope of healing.  Some may have been hurting for many years.  The good news is... there is hope, in Jesus Christ alone. 

Working together, in His service,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Chat Room with Christian Women Today

Adoption Chat Room with Christian Women Today

People look for adoption information in many places. One such place is the Internet. A wealth of data can be obtained using a keyboard and screen in the privacy of one’s own home and after regular business hours.

We recently had the opportunity to partner with Christian Women Today (CWT), a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ Canada. Over the past decade I have had the great pleasure to work with these dedicated ladies on a variety of projects and can assure you of their effective ministry to women. One of the interesting ways they work is through Internet Chat Rooms.

A chat room is a unique place where women can log on, maintain anonymity and seek answers to questions they may be anxious to ask in traditional settings. May 4th was all about adoption. Here is what Rosemary DeFrancis (CWT chat moderator) had to say:

"Tonight we were privileged to have as our guest, Julie Stobbe. Her compassion and wisdom concerning adoption and teen pregnancy were so well received. Julie really ministered to the ladies in the room and the comments afterward were very encouraging. The chat was filled with 16 women from across North America and I know it helped those who were seeking healing and guidance. Thank you, Julie, for caring."
The Holy Spirit knows no bounds and women could sense the freedom He had to move and minister to women’s hearts. In fact, a woman named “Lisa” became a Christian because of the chat room conversation and experience. How beautiful to be discussing earthly adoption and then learn of Lisa’s spiritual adoption ~ all because women gathered in a chat room on a Monday evening!

“Hey Mrs. Julie, I heard you had been praying for me. I was a non-Christian and the other night, women from the cwt-forum led me to the Lord. There had been several people witnessing to me but I just wasn't ready. I just thought I would share that with you. Love, ‘Lisa’.”
We are thankful to have been a part of collaborating with Christian Women Today and seeing the harvest of an orphaned soul finding her forever home with God through salvation in Jesus Christ. What could be more gratifying than that??

Full of thanksgiving,

P.S. Be sure to tag the CWT chat site so you can visit ongoing chat topics.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

What Are The Origins Of Mother's Day?

There are several accounts of the origins of Mother's Day in the U.S.A., but what I can be sure of, and what I am about to recount to you, is the origin of Mother's Day in my home country, dear old England.

Mother's Day in England was founded by my great grandfather, John Alexander Whitehead.   You may be as surprised as I was when I discovered this during some research into Whitehead Aircraft, the aircraft company that was founded by my great grandfather during WWI.  As an aviation enthusiast, I had always been excited about the fact that my great grandfather's factory had built many of the Sopwith Pups that were used in battle during WWI.  

About 20 years ago, my research unearthed a newspaper article from 1916, clearly outlining the origin of Mother's Day and how John Alexander Whitehead wanted to, first of all, honor his own mother, and recognized the need to honor the mothers of soldiers and sailors who were away from home, serving their country in what was to become known as the Great War. 

So, on the very first Mother's Day in England, held on Tuesday, August 8th, 1916, while sons were unable to be with their mothers, Mr. & Mrs. Whitehead 'adopted' a few hundred mothers and entertained them all with a fantastic lunch and wowed the crowd with an aerobatic display overhead.  August 8th was chosen as it was the birthday of my great grandfather, a flamboyant character to say the least, who would have enjoyed such a huge celebration on his birthday, even though it was for the moms!  On a side note, my father, also John Alexander Whitehead, was fittingly named after his grandfather as they shared the same birthday.

The Mother's Day article from 1916 has been reproduced on the Whitehead Aircraft website, along with another piece on the subject, and photographs from the 1917 Mother's Day outings.

Now that I have shared this little piece of Mother's Day history with you, and I prepare to retire for the evening before waking to a wonderful mother's day of my own, I would like to wish all moms a very happy and blessed Mother's Day!

In Him,

Mother's Day Blessings

Phones will be ringing and florists will be delivering record numbers of bouquets this weekend since Mother's Day is Sunday. How are you planning to spend this day set aside to celebrate mothers everywhere?

Mother's Day will most likely bring up all sorts of emotions. For those of us with young children we look forward to homemade cards and perhaps piles of pancakes for 'breakfast in bed'. For others, Mother's Day may be marked with sadness due to a mother who has passed away during the previous year.

I particularly enjoy celebrating Mother's Day because I have two women to honor. My first mother, my birth mother, who gave me life and provided a family for me through adoption and my permanent mother who walked beside me each day of my life and reared me into adulthood. They are two very different women, but they are my two heroines! While I have inherited certain biological characteristics from one, I have acquired learned characteristics from the other.

However you choose to spend Mother's Day I pray you will pause to remember the birth mothers who are rarely remembered on Mother's Day. These courageous women make life possible for their children and create stable homes in the arms of loving mothers who will care for them on a daily basis. I also hope you will pause and remember the adoptive mothers who have opened their homes to children who are not born of their flesh but have been born from the love of their hearts.

No Mother's Day would be complete without the opportunity to ooh and aah a little. So, take a peek at this video which illustrates mothers come in a variety of packages. Whether a child is born into or brought into a family does not matter. Whether the child looks like the mom or not has no bearing on his or her value and place within the family. The love of a mother remains the same.

Mothers love children. It is just what they do.
Happy Mother's Day,
Julie Stobbe

Monday, March 23, 2009

An Adoption Evening

On Saturday, March 21st, Act of Life presented it's Inaugural Adoption Evening, at Sagemont Church, Houston - an event we had been looking forward to for some time!  The attendees were able to browse the resource tables of the adoption agencies and support ministries that were present and chat with the representatives.  This was a great opportunity for those touched by adoption to network with one another, and discover the support and services that are available to them.  It was also an ideal time for the adoption agencies and services to network with one another, which is an opportunity not often found.

Following the time of networking, a program of powerful adoption testimonies and beautiful adoption songs from singer and songwriter, Becky Wright, moved the audience deeply. 

Everybody agreed that the most powerful testimony of all was that given by a V.I.P.- a birth mom - who shared her real-life story of how she made the courageous decision to provide parents for her son in an open adoption, and the emotions she went through during that time.  She shared how, over the years, she has been rewarded with love and a deep relationship with not only her son, but also with the parents she chose for him.

This powerful and touching story solicited immediate feedback from people who had their hearts and minds changed about an open adoption.  People who never before could have considered adopting a child in an open relationship with the adoptive parents, but now, they saw that it was a very real and beautiful option. 

As a special treat for friends of Act of Life and newcomers alike, Founder, Julie Stobbe took the stage and sang a beautiful song that was written by Becky Wright called, Act of Life.  You can listen to it below.

People left the Adoption Evening feeling blessed by the powerful stories and songs, and carrying their event bags filled with information from the many adoption resources that participated.  We are already looking forward to our next adoption event! 

Act of Life would like to acknowledge and extend sincere thanks to the following people and organizations that made this event possible:  Adoption and Orphan Care (FBC Houston),  Alternatives in Motion, Buckner, C.H.I.L.D., Gladney Center for Adoption, Homes of St. Mark, Life Time Adoption, Methodist Mission Home, New Life Pregnancy Center, Dorsett Family Foundation, Sagemont Church, Tom and Tricia Ehman, David and Michelle Kilpatrick, Laurie Lindquester, Jan Hester, and Yvonne Fotheringham.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Right to Life Sunday at Grace Community Church

On Sunday, January 11th, a selection of Houston's life affirming ministries were invited to attend and exhibit at Grace Community Church's Right to Life Sunday.  Act of Life was honored to attend.  Not only were we able to share adoption facts with some, make referrals to adoption agencies for others, but we were also able to pray with a couple who are heart broken at the difficulties they are facing with their adoption process.  This truly was a time of reaching out and ministering to those touched by adoption.

It was also a blessing to be able to network and chat with the representatives of the other life affirmining ministries that were present.  After all, we are all working toward the same goal of ministering to those in need, and saving physical and spiritual lives in the name of Jesus Christ. 

With sincere thanks to Grace Community Church for inviting Act of Life to this event.

Here are some photos of the ministries that were present...