Monday, December 29, 2008
Rejoicing While Reviewing 2008
We have also been witness to changes and challenges. Through sustained prayer, sacrifice and God's power, we have been able to overcome! There were times this year we faced what seemed to be impossible scenarios, but we saw God part the sea and make a way. Isn't that just like Him? He is the Great Way Maker! Nothing is too difficult for Him.
We have great plans in store for 2009, but before we launch into the new year, we want to pause and thank you for your role in our effectiveness this year. Your prayers, your gifts, and your support have made a tremendous difference, and we are grateful for you. On behalf of the Staff and the Board of Directors, let me extend not only our profound gratitude but also our best wishes for a tremendous 2009.
What will you believe Him for? He tells us, "Call upon Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." (Jeremiah 33:3) He is able and He is willing to show you things you have yet to even dream of. Are you well positioned and willing to seek Him fully?
May you pursue His presence with a new determination this year, for in it, lies all you require for a rich and meaningful life.
Many blessings to you and yours,
Julie Stobbe
Monday, November 10, 2008
Richmond Coffee Station Café and Dessertery hosts a Benefit Concert
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thanksgiving a Month Early!
First Baptist Church of Midland is a consistant and faithful supporter to people in the Permian Basin. We have been richly blessed with their generosity in the past, but did you know that FBC Midland has a foundation separate from their church body?
FBC Midland Foundation was chartered on October 23, 2003 to provide an opportunity to leave an enduring legacy to further the Kingdom of God. They have invested in many unique projects from providing funds for upgrading housing, to assisting a young woman through seminary, to providing Bibles through the Vietnamese Bible Society. Each project helped to provide necessary tools to meet specific needs.
We want to express our gratitude to the Board of Directors for their considerable contribution of $6000 to be invested in furthering God's plans for the Midland/Odessa region through Act of Life.
Act of Life Founder & Presidnet, Julie Stobbe with FBC Midland Foundation Board Directors: Mr. Lee Parks (Member), Mrs. Debby Gilliam (Treasurer), Mrs. Robbie Campbell (Secretary), and Mr. Sam Gibbs (Chairman).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Record Attendance at Training!
September 11th we had the privilege of offering our training to new people in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Working with the generous people at the Gladney Center for Adoption in Fort Worth we reached a record number of people at one time.
Here are just a few things that made our adoption training special:
- We encouraged and equipped 42 people in a single session!
- We reached representatives from 4 pregnancy care centers
- We touched representatives from 3 different adoption agencies
The day was full of life, laughter and learning. You can imagine the great interaction with all of the participants. The practice counseling was truly fantastic with novices attempting adoption conversations for the first time and long-time pros illustrating their strengths to the group.
Here is a sample of comments from the evaluations taken at the conclusion of the day:
- "(The training was) informative and held my interest. The time went very quickly and nothing dragged"
- "I enjoyed the whole day. Very well planned and organized"
- "Very concise and full of helpful info right at your fingertips"
- "The speaker was dynamic - kept my attention and very informative"
- "(What I liked most about the training was) making the connection between spiritual and physical adoption"
- "(What I liked most about the training was the) interaction with other advocates and agencies"
A special thank you goes out to Jennifer Lanter and her team from the Gladney Center who truly went the extra mile to provide not only a lovely facility but delicious food as well. What a marvelous picture of the Body of Christ working together to advance adoption!
We are pleased to announce we will be returning to Gladney to host another adoption training Thursday, October 30. For more details and to register please visit our website .Thursday, September 18, 2008
What's Up Radio
Click here to listen to the interview when we discuss the "Choose Life" license plate effort being supported by Texas Alliance for Life.
Please be aware that many of the Texas Tour events in the Gulf area have been altered, rescheduled or cancelled due to Hurricane Ike. For updated information please visit Texas Choose Life website.
Because life matters,
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Choose Life License Plate
Please take time to read the following exciting news from Texas Alliance for Life.
"Choose Life Texas Tour Begins on Sept. 13 to promote pro-adoption Choose Life license plate For eight days starting Saturday, September 13, the Choose Life Texas Tour will crisscross the state, visiting 11 cities with over 16 meetings and events to promote the pro-adoption Choose Life license plate for our state. Texas Alliance for Life is launching the Choose Life Texas Tour with numerous other pro-life organizations to make a Choose Life license plate a reality in Texas.
Check out the website at, and click on "Choose Life Texas Tour."
The Choose Life license plate is on the road in 19 other states and has raised more than $9 million for pregnancy help centers and Gabriel Projects to assist women with crisis pregnancies who are considering the loving option of adoption. Although Texas has over 130 specialty license plates, our state does not yet have the Choose Life plate.
Why not Texas? The Texas Legislature must pass a law to create the Choose Life license plate when it meets in January. The Choose Life license plate in Texas will promote adoption and other compassionate alternatives to abortion and raise funds to assist women experiencing a crisis pregnancy considering adoption. Of the $30 fee for the plate, $22 will go to this mission and $8 will cover Texas Department of Transportation's production costs."This is about the loving option of adoption," said Pojman. "Our goal is to create more win-win-win situations in Texas for birth moms, children, and adoptive parents."
Act of Life joins Joe Pojman and the others at Texas Alliance for Life in this valiant effort. Please visit their website and check the itinerary for an event in your area. Make plans to attend to see that this important bill gets passed in the next session of our Texas Legislature.
People long for ways to make an impact in a positive manner. Choose Life plates are an easy, non-combative way to do just that. Together let's make an impact. Support 'Choose Life' today!
Chosen and blessed,
Julie Stobbe
Thursday, August 28, 2008
FBC Midland Sews Seeds
Monday, June 30, 2008
Blazing a Trail in Beautiful B.C.
The motto on British Columbia license plates is "Beautiful B.C." and beautiful it certainly is! The magnificent mountains, tall trees and evergreen surroundings are such a welcomed sight - eye candy everywhere! Some of you may remember my husband, Doug, is Canadian, and was reared in the Vancouver area, so it was a real treat for our family to mix a little fun with Act of Life ministry on our recent trip to Canada.
Yes, I saw this young mountain buck on an early morning hike down to Okanagan Lake with my sweet friend, Rita. The challenge was getting back UP the mountain. Well worth the effort...
I can't resist showing you our son's rainbow trout from Lac de Roche! Just look at that pristine water!
June 20 and 21 I had the privilege of presenting our full day adoption training to the Okanagan Valley Pregnancy Care Center in Kelowna, B.C. This was a seminal event for Act of Life, since it was the first time we have presented our full curriculum in Canada. However, this was not the first time Act of Life has presented adoption material to Canadian audiences. In Spring 2005 we offered adoption breakout sessions and I was a keynote speaker during the national conference for the Canadian Association of Pregnancy Support Services (CAPSS).
But, back to our recent training in B.C.... We did something a little different. Instead of offering the full seminar in one day as we are accustomed to doing, we chose to split the training over 2 days. This proved to be a success! People remarked they appreciated having time to digest and process the information from the evening session before diving into the practical application of the second session offered the following morning.
Every seminar we present is unique due to the collection of participants. Each group is a blessing and this particular group was no exception. They were fantastic! We engaged in deep discussion, explored our bias for or against adoption and emerged from the training experience better prepared to converse about adoption with those whom we will encounter.
We were blessed to also have join us three participants from Salmon Arm, B.C. They are in the initial stages of preparation to open a pregnancy center to serve the women and men in their community and they took advantage of our education program while we were in the vicinity.
A special thank you goes to our life-long friends Rita and Bob Letkeman who opened their doors to our family and made our stay in Kelowna such a delight. Gratitude also extends to Jeannie Rodgers, Client Services Director at the OVPCC, for her tireless efforts to organize and assist in such an effective training session.
We thank God for the life saving work He is accomplishing through the efforts of our brothers and sisters in Canada, and we look forward to future ways we can partner together.
For the Glory of Christ,
Julie Stobbe
Friday, June 6, 2008
The Blessing of Buckner
It was a pleasure to share parts of my personal adoption journey with the good folks of Buckner. Greater still, it was good to learn how they are being the hands and feet of Jesus to children and families across Texas and specifically in the Permian Basin. As it says on their website, “Buckner Children and Family Services is a Christian ministry devoted to protecting children, promoting independence and strengthening families.” Truly they are accomplishing the mandate from James 1:27 where it states, “Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.”
Buckner Hearthstone offers a variety of services including: foster care, foster to adopt, domestic and international adoption as well as CPS adoption. For a fascinating look at how Buckner began it’s ministry through the vision of Dr. Robert Cooke Buckner, a Baptist minister from Tennessee, and his first pledged dollar bill to establish its mission please click here. For those interested in pursuing Buckner's services check their 2008 calendar for more information and locations of scheduled workshops.
We should thank the Lord for Buckner because they are committed to ministering to the “least of these” in our society through the life-altering love and compassion of Jesus Christ. Through their tireless efforts and strong commitment they are seeing to it that people understand there are no strangers, no outcasts, and no orphans to the Lord.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
IBM Supports Act of Life

Karen presents a check for $1,000 to Bill, who received the check on behalf of Act of Life. IBM have consistently shown support for Act of Life through regular giving, which Bill has brought about through his advocacy for our mission of advancing adoption awareness. IBM is able to donate through their community outreach program for retirees called, On Demand Community, which provides a grant in the form of cash or equipment for qualified charities.
Bill retired from IBM after 30 years of service and has been involved with Act of Life for the past three years. During this time, Bill has dedicated over 700 hours of voluntary service to Act of Life. This admirable effort has produced amazing results in the form of a steady stream of financial or in kind donations coming from corporations, retail stores and individuals.
Thank you IBM, for your faithful support and to Bill Dunlap for your unparalleled service and advocacy for adoption awareness.
Much better
Ken and Sharon had recently expressed that they wished to donate the furniture to Act of Life but warned that it was heavy and was
As I give thanks to Ken and Sharon for their kind donation and to Dr. Jim and the Helping Hands ministry for such prompt and efficient assistance, I am humbled to the core as I, yet again, witness the body of Christ working together in HIS service.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Showing off God's provision
Here is an example of that. I had found a wonderful leather office chair on Craig's List for a great
This is what will be the conference area. The credenza is part of a set that my father-in-law donated to the ministry. It really is beautiful. I have an odd shaped office that would not accommodate the credenza, so we will find another spot for it.
On the right is Merinell, our bookkeeper's office. As you can see, the desk is purely functional, but again, we are blessed to have another desk and credenza coming from a couple who have helped Act of Life in the past with volunteer work.
Below is Laurie's office. Laurie is our admin assistant. Again, the desk leaves a little to be desired, and we have not yet located a desk for this office, but we just know that the Lord already has a plan for this!
Finally, below is my office. As you can see, there is not a shortage of shelving! The desk has some paint residue on the edge and I hear that a goofy named product called 'Goof Off' will do the trick without damaging the finish.
You've heard the saying 'little things please little minds'? Well, the fact that we are at ground level, I can park right outside my office and can see my car (or motorbike) through the window just pleases me no end! That's our God. With such little details as that, I find myself praising Him and thanking Him for those things.
There are still some needs e.g. a microwave, decor and some bigger ticket items such as an all-in-one printer and a new computer for Laurie, amongst other things, but we are humbly awaiting the Lord's timing for these things and are not fretting, for we already have more than we could have hoped for.
What you don't see in this picture is the other half of the room that is being used for storage. A curtain can hide a multitude of sins - or brown boxes.
We are excited about the days ahead and pray that the Lord will continue to bless Act of Life, it's new offices in Houston and Midland, and our staff, volunteers and board members as we work towards achieving our mission of advancing adoption awareness.
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Day Well Spent

Their maternity home truly sets the standard for the nation in terms of housing for birth mothers. The facilities are much like a park; fresh, well manicured, beautifully decorated - just like anyone would want their home to be.
The outer appearance is not all that takes Gladney’s attention however. The women they serve are priority number one. In these safe surroundings women are able to focus on their physical, mental and spiritual state of being. They have access to a fully equipped gym and outdoor swimming pool, they have personal responsibilities in cleaning their rooms and preparing evening meals, and they are able to attend weekly Bible Study as well. The staff makes sure residents are transported to and from school each day. Everything Gladney does is meant to fully serve the birth mother’s needs in a supportive atmosphere while she creates a plan for her baby’s future.
Another component that makes Gladney unique is its visitor center. In a museum like setting, one can take time to explore the history of adoption as a whole and the history of the Gladney Center for Adoption which was started by a Methodist missionary minister named I.Z.T. Morris. This museum is state of the art and offers a one of a kind experience.
I was deeply moved to walk into their blessing chapel where babies are kissed, blessed and then placed in the loving arms of their new forever families. How this must please God’s heart; to see lives saved and families created. It took my breath away. Once again I was reminded that adoption affects generations….
The thing that strikes me most about Gladney is their commitment not only to the birth mothers and the adoptive families that they serve but their commitment to seeing adoption understood within our society. They actively promote education and provide services that illustrate the benefits of adoption.
I want to express special thanks to Scott Brown, Heidi Cox, Judy Canon, Jennifer Lanter and the great staff in Fort Worth for making my visit so memorable. For more information on the varied services Gladney provides please visit their website.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Has US abstinence policy failed?
"Has US abstinence policy failed?" shouts the headline on a BBC news report. It reads:
"US lawmakers are investigating whether to cut government funding for health education programmes that promote sexual abstinence until marriage. The move follows a report earlier this year from America's leading health agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which revealed one in four teenage girls has a sexually transmitted disease."
Indeed, that is a significant amount of STDs among teenagers. The article continues and sites:
"This national programme which has wasted $1.5bn (£750m) of tax money is a failure and our teens are paying the price," says Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood. "We've been wasting money on programmes that don't work and we're seeing the consequences every single day."
It reads as though the president of Planned Parenthood is actually blaming the abstinence programs for the increasing number of STDs among teenagers! I am sure she is not, but she certainly is trying to give the impression that abstinence programs are a waste of time. Thankfully, the Heritage Foundation have done their homework on the issue of the impact of abstinence programs and it is very encouraging news. Read more about their findings here.
As adoption advocates, we aim to see truths about not only adoption, but also about all issues concerning God's heart for life. We must continue to uphold and teach God's will for us as individuals and in our relationships. If abstinence before marriage were so well taught, understood and embraced that there was not a need for crisis pregnancy centers and teaching about parenting choices, then... praise God! Praise Him, indeed.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Letter to My Son
I would like us to consider a woman from many generations past who faced some very similar fears: the mother of Moses. Let’s remember that when Moses was born, the ruling Pharaoh demanded that all male Hebrew babies be killed. Moses’ mother must have harbored very real fears and concerns for her baby’s future. As she held her infant son I can imagine she wondered, “Do I attempt to hide him any longer? If I’m discovered they will surely murder him. Perhaps I should end his life before they do...What am I to do? Where do I turn to for answers?”
Moses’ mother was not paralyzed by her own fears. She took time to think, to pray, to make a plan, and then to act. She deliberately put her trust in Yahweh. He would take care of her son.
Here is a letter she might have written to her tiny boy* :
My precious son Moses,
How deeply I love you! Yet the Pharaoh said all Hebrew baby boys must be thrown in the Nile and drowned. I could only hide you for three months. To save your life, I carefully wove a basket big enough for you, waterproofing it so it would not sink. I sobbed as I hid you away among the Nile's reeds. But I knew this was the best choice for you. Your sister watched as the princess found you there! God's hand is upon you, my son. As you grow up, please understand that I allowed another family to raise you so that you might have a special life - one I could not give you because of circumstances.
With all my loving heart and soul,
Your mother
* taken from Birthmothers
By equipping pregnancy counselors Act of Life helps today’s women see that they, too, can overcome their fears. They too, can take time to think, to pray, to make a plan, and then to act. Adoption just might be the right choice for her and her baby. Please pray with us as we continue to advance adoption awareness so that all women will be given the opportunity to fully explore adoption as a way to create homes for their children.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Flushing a Newborn Baby Down a Toilet?
Earlier today, a 14 year old teen delivered a baby in the restroom at her junior high school in Baytown, Texas, a suburb of Houston. Overwhelmed and not sure what her next step was, she attempted to flush her seconds old baby down the toilet. As a result of this desperate action her baby died. Now she finds herself in the midst of a homicide investigation.
Inconceivable, irrational, and insane are just a few words that come to mind.
As bizarre as this seems, she is not the first to have attempted this. Last summer, a 20 year old woman delivered a baby in a McDonald’s restroom in Kansas City, MO, and tried to flush her baby down the toilet as well.
How could Act of Life have benefited these mothers and their precious babies? The answer: education.
Are you aware that Texas has a law called the Baby Moses Law? According to the non-profit group called Baby Moses Dallas, “Of the over 100 babies who are abandoned each year in Texas, about 16 will be found dead.” This is alarming. However, there is a solution. The Baby Moses Law provides a responsible alternative to mothers and fathers who might otherwise abandon or harm their newborn child. The law states that a parent may leave an unharmed infant, up to 60 days old, at any hospital or fire station with “no questions asked” and will not face charges of abuse, neglect or abandonment.
Had the young teen in Baytown, Texas, known about the Baby Moses law perhaps her baby would be alive tonight.
Act of Life includes instruction on the Baby Moses law in our adoption training seminars. We regularly ensure that pregnancy counselors are aware of the law and understand the importance of explaining it to their clients. Act of Life also recognizes the desperate need to get adoption tools, resources, and information inside our school classrooms.
Will you help us advance adoption awareness at such a critical time? In doing so you will help save lives and create families.
Lives are at stake,
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Act of Life on KKHT 100.7 FM
This evening, between 6 and 7pm, Julie called in and I was in the studio as guests on the ChurchQuake radio show on KKHT 100.7 FM. ChurchQuake's host, pastor Chris Murphy, and co-host, Jim Serber, kindly dedicated the whole show to adoption and conducted the interview so that Julie and I could talk about what Act of Life is doing, what adoption is and how the message needs to be heard that adoption is a very viable parenting choice, is an alternative to abortion, and even, in some cases an alternative to parenting!
It was a fun time to be able to share, and we thank the ChurchQuake ministry for this opportunity.
ChurchQuake dedicates the show to talking about the elephants in the church. I want to know which churches Chris has been preaching in as I have never seen an elephant at church! I can say this as Chris, his lovely wife, Mica, and their three precious children are my neighbors. Our kids play together and we have been threatening to all go on a motorcycle ride together. Chris is also Pastor at the local community church, First Baptist of Brookside Village, Pearland, TX . By the elephants in the church, Chris is referring to the causes of church division in modern Christianity. He addresses the issue every week in a loving but direct manner that makes for a powerful show. I encourage you to tune in. You can also visit their website for more information.
The subject of adoption and how that parenting choice can save lives and create families falls nicely into the category of an elephant in the church because, by proxy, it is also touching on the subject of abortion, abstinence, two parent families and the family unit. These are issues dear to our Father's heart and would benefit from being addressed more directly in society and the church.
Listen to tonight's broadcast as an MP3
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Christ's Amazing Love for You
During my time with the Lord today I read from Andrew Murray's book called Abide in Christ. When writing about how Jesus loves us just as the Father loved him (John 15:9) Murray wrote,
"When it was needed, He sacrificed His throne and crown for you. He did not count His own life and blood too dear to give for you. His righteousness, His Spirit, His glory, even His throne, all are yours. This love holds nothing back, but, in a manner that no human mind can fathom, makes you one with itself. What wondrous love, to love us even as the Father loved Him, and to offer us this love as our everyday dwelling."
Our everyday dwelling - in this love. What a truth! This is a truth you can stake your life on. God wants you to know the truth that He loves you and that His love is available for you to abide in every single day. This love is not based on who you are, what you do or what you have accomplished. It is also not based on what you think you can do for God. This love He extends to you is based on who HE is. Love is not one of God's attributes. It is who He IS - the very center of His being. He loves you simply because He created you. Isn't that amazing?
God asks us to take notice of this deep love which we cannot comprehend. We dare not resist or ignore it. My prayer for you today is that you will yield to His love. He longs to spend time with you and show you how you can live a victorious life. If you have any questions about this, please contact me. I would love to hear from you.
In the meantime may I ask that you listen to one of my favorite songs? It's a song by Dennis Jernigan called "Passionate Obsession" and you can find it by clicking and locating it at the end of his playlist on the right of the screen. Allow yourself to take a moment to hear a song sung from the perspective that God is singing to you. Bask in the truth of this most amazing love, and hold on!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
A True Celebration of Life!

"Oh give thanks to the Lord, call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples; sing to Him, sing praises to Him; speak of all His wonders. Glory in His holy name; let the heart of those who seek the Lord be glad. Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face continually."
Psalm 105:1-4
This passage has been dear to me since the day the Lord whispered His vision for Act of Life in my ear, and this scripture continues to remain the focus of our ministry today. How fitting it was to share these verses with those who braved the stormy weather last night and joined us for our benefit concert.
We were blessed with a tremendous evening as we commemorated the great acts which the Lord has accomplished in our midst. We remembered the Lord’s faithfulness in our past and we put our trust in Him for our future.
Best of all, Dennis Jernigan led us in an extended time of worship through music and words of encouragement. His lyrics, apart from the melodies, can lead me to the throne of God in an instant. When we heard the breadth of his talent and the depth of his passion for Christ pour powerfully through his voice and fingers, hearts and hands were lifted high all around the room, and the Spirit of the Living God truly inhabited the praises of His people.
Act of Life is poised to embrace the next level of ministry, and we are eager to see where the Lord will take us! We are thankful for your consistent support as we continue to advance adoption awareness at the local, state, and national level.
Blessed to be a part,
Julie Stobbe
Monday, March 3, 2008
On the Airwaves with Story Corps.
Today I had an amazing opportunity to spend quality time with my birth mother, Alyson. We were invited to record our adoption story in San Antonio, Texas, with Story Corps. which is part of National Public Radio (NPR). Their mission is to honor and celebrate people’s lives through listening. The stories they capture are stored in the Library of Congress so that future generations can listen and learn.
It was of particular of interest for Alyson and me to return and record our conversation in the Alamo City because this is precisely the spot where our story began. As a pregnant teen, Alyson lived in the maternity center at Methodist Mission Home (MMH) for about three months. She was one of the first residents to live in their brand new facility in 1968. Oops, I slipped! Now you know how old I am...but how great to return to the MMH campus in 2008 to the very blessing chapel where my parents held me in their arms and dedicated me to the Lord at the tender age of three days old. Only this time, at nearly 40 years old, I was standing beside the woman who gave me life and who created a home for me through adoption. The moment was intensely humbling and quite gratifying.
After wrapping up our interview (which took place right beside the Alamo) we headed to El Mercado to feast on the fine cuisine served at Mi Tierra! All I can say is, "Bring more salsa, tortillas, and pecan prailines." What a fine way to wrap up our day.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Adoption vs. Abortion
Unfortunately many Christians have restricted their influence by choosing to focus on only two options: parenting and abortion. We want women to see the value of life, so what should we do? Push parenting? Tire of the battle and give in? Neither, but how can we as "pro-lifers" and especially pregnancy counselors gain an advantage for life in these circumstances?
Along with counselors, we gain an advantage for life when we introduce adoption to people within the framework of “parenting choices” right from the beginning. In our country it is true that there are three choices: abortion, parenting, and providing parents (through adoption). Every pregnancy counselor should be able to speak truth about each of these, yet statistics show us that too many counselors shy away from presenting adoption. There are a multitude of reasons why. Often adoption is omitted from the counseling room discussion because people make assumptions that a woman will not really consider adoption. While it is true that most birth mothers who have placed for adoption did so by considering adoption later in their pregnancy, we must assume nothing and intentionally plant a seed for adoption from the start.
When we exclude adoption we make it easier for some women to parent before they are prepared. Likewise, when we exclude adoption, we make it easier for women to abort. Please keep these two thoughts in mind while reading the following article.
Houston will be the site of the largest freestanding abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere
(taken from Houston Coalition for Life website)
As most of you are very well aware, our local Planned Parenthood is expanding and purchased a very large building at 4600 Gulf Freeway a little over a year ago. This expansion is being done to comply with Texas law stating that an abortion of a pregnancy of 16 weeks or more has to be done at an ambulatory surgical center or hospital licensed to perform the abortion.
What we didn't realize is that when this move takes place, which is projected for the fall of 2008, Houston will have the notoriety of having the largest freestanding abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere. Planned Parenthood of Houston & Southeast Texas plans to open a multimillion-dollar "flagship" abortion center just outside the gates of the University of Houston's main campus. This six-story building is 78,000 square feet, and the ambulatory surgical center will take up the entire third floor. This is where unborn babies up to 25 weeks will be aborted. This is more than half way through a woman's pregnancy! We know that babies born after 24 weeks have a very good chance of survival.
Planned Parenthood writes, "Our new building at 4600 Gulf Freeway is significantly larger and more secure than our current location. The new expanded campus will allow us to provide a safe and welcoming health care home for our current clients, and to meet the future needs of clients throughout the Houston area."
Since Houston will soon be known for “having the largest freestanding abortion facility in the Western Hemisphere” where better a place for God to plant the ministry of Act of Life?
At Act of Life, we recognize that to truly love women and empower them to make the best decisions for themselves and their babies they must be allowed to consider adoption as a parenting choice. All of our educational programs are geared toward equipping people with tools and information to share the truth of adoption.
Partner with us to become the largest voice for the voiceless by defeating the evil of abortion by advancing the truth of adoption.
Adoption saves lives and creates families!